Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I try not to use my main (gmail) address for anything free or not too important--for that I use a hotmail, Yahoo, or other account. I use my Gmail account for paid items (eBay, PayPal, student loans), i.e. important things. However, I've recently seeen a dramatic upswing in my reciept of spam.

I'm sure that it was inevitable once I started using the e-mail address in more places on-line (i.e. ordering from different websites)--or once one spammer found it or started randomly targeting used Gmail addresses. I've been saving all of my spam since sometime last Thursday, just to see how many I recieve in a week. Gmail has only missed two or three, and in all the time I've had the account has only mislabeled two or three legitimate e-mails as spam. So far I'm up to 59 spam in my spam folder. I don't know how high it will have climbed by tomorrow evening.



Matt said...

The total is currently 73.

Matt said...

83 at this time.

Matt said...

The triple digit benchmark has been surpassed. Spam broached the 102 mark today.