Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Another Dollar

Well I found out that my paycheck will be delivered Thursday, and hopefully will be given to my driver before he leaves the building. No call this morning, I'm to go the same route as yesterday. Perhaps this will be my last day on this Brentwood route, I'm not sure. I do know though that friends like Mark would doubtless be icicles out here as the temperature is projected to be in the thirties at 15:00 after dropping down to the low twenties last night. Now the heaters in the UPS trucks are great--they're not too bad when one door is open, but really good when all the doors are closed. I do wish sometimes that I had some sort of gloves, but I'm sure that I'll be okay...if nothing else I can warm my hands over the heating vents. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I can definately take this weather and stand it. After spending an entire night outside of Best Buy I can always look back to that if the cold seems to be a bit much! ;-)

On other news I've not had time to look for a post Christmas job or even get the files on my computer backed up so that I can take it in to be repaired. Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned it but I've registered my computer with the manufacturer (the place I bought it from had it in their name) and found a local place that I can take it to for repairs. :-)

Wonderful news on the entertainment front! The Extended Edition of The Return of the King is released today!! My sister-in-law is going to go out to buy it and perhaps they'll buy the "trilogy edition" of all three together and give me the extended editions of the first two movies...that way I would only have to purchase the extended edition of RotK...but in some way I've harbored a fantasy of buying all three together on my own...so I'm not fully sure what I think about this. I think that I'll drop by Amazon to see what the set costs so that I can be prepared when I've got a bit of money to spend. Speaking of money, while I'm keeping my list short due to moving costs I need to get my Christmas shopping done! Not much time left you know.

Okay, it is 08:23 and I need to leave a bit before 09:00...I should see if I can get a bite for breakfast (lunch is already fixed) and get ready to go. Hmm...I shoudl update this tonight...I'll try to remember, ;-).



  1. I'm a popcycle just thinking about it. :)

  2. Matt, I don't think it was actually very cold outside of Best Buy, was it? Perhaps my two pairs of socks and long underwear just helped out more than I thought... I'd still rather be out at Best Buy than in 20 or 30 degree weather!


  3. Ummm...You're a stronger man than I am if you can stand the cold without gloves. But don't come crying when the tips of your fingers break off from being frozen .^_^.

    Mr. Chanonymous

  4. Ah, don't worry about that...tomorrow will be a toasty 50 degree high! :-) And even if things are bad (it was the wind yestday that was the worst) there are the heaters to warm yah up.
