Friday, December 17, 2004


No, it isn't pronounced "chee-yah"--try saying "ch" rapidly as you lead into an accented and quick "ya." It is a new word that I've created for myself. At this time it isn't a part of the languages that I've created. When I pronounce the word it usually has a sort of oriental flavour, and it can mean many things, none of them explicitly delineated. What really matters is the tone of your voice as you say the word, it can be an explicative of sorts (like darn or shoot!) if uttered in a frustrated voice (especially after someone has done something to you, like cut you off on the freeway) or it can be a good thing when uttered calmly and in a pleased tone. No I don't know why I've done this, but I am. Life is fun when you can do crazy things like this...and yet I question my sanity and its perception as I type these words, knowing that I'm letting this secret out to my massive (um...well...five or six persons is massive if you're an atom or a mouse, right? :-) ) audience.

Today was a good day at work as I worked with Mike again on the route I've run since last Thursday (with the exception of yesterday with Brad on his normal route). I enjoy working with him (and with Brad, just for different reasons for each) and look forward to another day tomorrow. The weather was (and I know this will shock my Californian friends! ;-) ) quite warm today, especially compared to what it has been. Despite the fact that I was born and bred in Southern California and never traveled much through snow, or stayed in snow country, the cold has never bothered me as much as it does most other Southern Californians. Today was a balmy and quite comfortable 50 degrees at its hottest. Additionally there was little wind, making for a nice day, so nice that I didn't even turn my heater on as I drove home from work! Most of the rest of my work days (with the exception of 30s on Monday) are supposed to be in the low to mid forties, rising up to near fifty next Thursday so I'm quite happy, :-).

I recieved my first paycheck today, so now I just need to remember to get an envelope so that I can deposit it tomorrow...perhaps even tomorrow morning. I've also done some Christmas shopping, though I have a bit more to get done on-line here in a bit. :-)

I should get going now since I want to get that shopping done and get back to my reading... I've decided to re-read book 5 of the Lord of the Rings (i.e. the first part of Return of the King) after watching the Extended Edition of the film. While I really do love the films and especially the extended editions my first love always has been (and will remain) Tolkien's actual books. Peter Jackson did a great job, but the movies are his interpretation and oftentimes I disagree with his interpretation in favor of what I believe to be closer to Tolkien's intent. Of course no movie can be perfect and please all fans, which is why I don't try to degrade the movie, I just go back to the books when I need a good dose of authentic Tolkien. :-)



  1. ch'ya, Matt... just ch'ya to you.


  2. Ch'ya...sounds like a california valley girl affirming something..."like ch'ya...Matt was like totally lookin' like cool and all."

    ~mr. chanonymous

  3. Um...Chanonymous? That is just wrong...nowhere did I intend for that association to creep in *shudder* *shudder again* The "valley girl accent" isn't one of the ones I use. The most common pronounciation involves raising my voice at the end of the word, most uncommon for English where we very typically lower our voice at the end of sentences.

  4. Sorry, but the Valley girl sound is the only one I can get out of it, too.

  5. Hah, proof that you two are too influenced by California and need to move to Tennessee to be near me! :-)

  6. influenced as the two of us may is all that we know at this time...and when the Lord so chooses to reveal in his revelations the true pronounciations of "Ch'ya", may it not sound like a valley girl.

    ~Mr. Chanonymous

  7. I already told you the true pronounciation. No valley girl allowed! ;)
