Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Not Kosher

Well I forgot to mention something yesterday...just like Mark and my nephew Chris I too have just recieved my first spam e-mail in my Gmail account. :'( On a positive note I should mention that their spam came in first! :-)



  1. Hi, I'm not really anonymous but then again maybe I am...I didn't know you moved to Tenessee...I wish you'd keep up with some people. I mean since you're never on...because you're in Tenessee and I am you'd be on earlier?? than I would be and the fact that I am never on anymore anyhow...why not send me an e-mail on my "spam-free" e-mail acount...and give a little update.


  2. Yeah... I got my 2nd one today. Neither one was sent to my address... this one was to ""

    I guess everything close to that was on the Bcc: list.


    Oh, the spam has both been for Photoshop stuff, I think.

  3. To both of ye am I thy posts that is, ;). I'll drop you a line Mr "Annonymous" as soon as I can.
