Monday, December 20, 2004


I really feel comments on my last post... :'( *sigh* Well I'm just going to assume you're all too busy with Christmas shopping this weekend... ;-) Nah, I'm not hurt...not really... :-).

Well I really need to stop saving my blog spots for late at night...I'm sure my brother won't mind me getting on-line earlier on the day just to update this, so I really need to do so. Okay, today was ( ;-) ) Sunday so I went to church, actually drove the family in today (I've definately got the route down). My class on Cults wasn't meeting today, perhaps because the teacher was out of town (if I surmise correctly from information from other sources) and so I sat in on the class on Islam. It was interesting, though at perhaps two points a couple minor historical errors (made during examples drawn from other times) I cringed... But really it wasn't that bad...I just need to remember to talk to John when I'm in California to see how I would go about getting a couple of his dad's books. I've never actually read them, though I've heard that they're quite good... :-)

Well I've been on the forums for a bit posting...I'd better post this so I can go relax in front of the fire for a bit... :)



  1. You know, not every post gets a comment every day. I often don't get any posts. Even when I talk about being frustrated and depressed with my life.

  2. I posted a comment on your last one... and it shows "1 comment" when I view it... but when I press on the "1 comment" it goes to the sub-page for the post and says "0 comments" so I don't know what's up with that.


  3. Yes, but I'm special Mark! I expect more comments than you. ;)

