Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Interviews, interviews...

Facility: Originally opened in 1933 as the Union Terminal train station, the building was renovated and reopened in 1990 as the Cincinnati Museum Center, a joint facility for five allied museums and attractions — the Cincinnati History Museum, the Cinergy Children’s Museum, the Museum of Natural History and Science, the Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater, and the Cincinnati Historical Society Library. According to a study by the University of Cincinnati’s Economics Center for Education & Research, the Cincinnati Museum Center is Ohio’s top-drawing museum.

Today I need to go into one place that I found on-line and fill out an application, and then tomorrow I have an interview at the Cincinnati History Museum (see above). This week has just been chock full of things for me! :-) The interview on Monday didn't go that well, but I don't think it would have been my kind of position anyway, involving sales and marketing. But yesterday I interviewed with a staffing agency and got some resume tips as well as some more testing. I need to experiment with mail merges in Word so I can become proficient. Oh, and I took another typing test. I didn't correct as many of my mistakes so I had 12 with an adjusted wpm of 79. But my total was 88! And I thought that I was going too slow! *sigh* I never understand my own typing scores.

Everything is going well, I've just been a lazy bum about updating this blog... ;-) I could say it was because I didn't want to search for an opening picture, but that would only be an excuse. Oh, and I did watch the third Back to the Future movie last night--a great end to the trilogy IMHO.



  1. Hmm, maybe I should finish reading all your entries before commenting.

  2. A job at the Museum of Natural History? Hmm... I suppose you could get a job there. The History major would be a plus.

    Then again... it's natural history... not exactly the stuff you're on fire for, is it?

