Monday, February 28, 2005

Monkey King

Here is a link to the Atlanta museum where the exhibit (I'm sure it is the same one) will be traveling after Cincinnati: Monkey King. Really it all looks rather interesting and I'm looking forward to learning more. Oh, didn't I say what this was about? ;-) I've gotten the museum job that I referred to earlier! :-)

I just got the call today. Oh, and I'll be working the supervisor position ($.50 more an hour). I have training the sixth of March and start work the eleventh. Hopefully with a schedule that should be three days one week and four the next I'll be able to put in hours at Atria where Chris works. I'm hoping when I tell them that I want to pick up work there as a second job, not just a temporary job while I look for full time work that they'll want to hire me. I know with my cafeteria work that I'm definately qualified, so I can only hope. :-)


  1. That's wonderful, Matt. I'm thrilled for you.

    Another friend got a job this week. Hopefully it means soemthing for me.

  2. Thanks, I'm really looking forward to this. I just wonder why you left three comments...well at least it looks like many people replied to me... :-)


  3. That's great, Matt! I'm so excited for you!
