Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Not quite so fast

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Today was a bit slow at work. We did have 367 people, but it did seem quite slow. We would have been well under 300 if not for a large school group that came in over the course of a couple hours in the morning.

Well there was something more that I wanted to blog about but I can't really remember what it was. Hmm, I guess in the meantime I can just talk about the television I've watched tonight. I'm currently watching Alias and prior to that I watched a new episode of Lost. I'm really getting to enjoy Lost more and more with each episode. I'll not spoil it for all you poor West Coasters ( ;-) ), but it was quite interesting, quite. :-)

That is all for now, I'm sorry it is so short, but hopefully I'll soon remember what I wanted to write about.


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