Thursday, May 12, 2005

Eight Days Shy...

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Okay, so I am eight days away from abandoning this blog for a month. *sigh* The days just flew by and I kept looking for the right time to come back. I guess it is now.

Two evenings ago I went down to the museum for an evening of training. I have a new job--not one to replace my current position with the Monkey King exhibit, but one in addition. I'll be working (part time, but normally, i.e. not temporarily, employeed by the Museum Center) as a scheduling supervisor for evening events. Frequently the Museum Center, or more commonly one of the museums will be rented out for the evening. Several staff members are needed to watch the museum and assist these people during the event. I'll not only be one of the supervisors that works these events, but I'll be the one arranging the work schedule for those that have signed up to work evening events. I'll be guaranteed a few hours every other week or so as I set up schedules for upcoming events, and I'll work every few events. :-)

Okay, book front. I just finished reading the Deathstalker series by Simon R. Green. I ran into his Twilight of the Empire a few years ago and devoured it. Shortly thereafter I bought and almost finished reading the Deathstalker series, however for some reason I quit partway through the fourth book. My volumes are currently in storage, however I checked the books out of the library and reread the first few, and I just finished the fifth one. They were excellent reads, and some of the misgivings I had reading the series were alleviated once I reached the conclusion. I'm now reading the two volumes set a couple hundred years after the original series. They're not quite the same style, but the first one (Deathstalker Legacy) is proving to be interesting. I have noticed, however, that it shows definate signs of its age ((c) 2003) in its usage of several internet terms. Sometimes I hate to see a later book in a sci-fi series all of a sudden acquire new terminology that was created in the "real world" since the first books were published. To me this doesn't make the book seem more advanced, rather it makes parts of it seem disjointed with those that came before and in some ways seem more "modern" and less sci-fi. *sigh* Perhaps I'm just too picky, ;-).

Now to movies. Just a few days ago I rewatched The Mummy and watched The Mummy Returns. I loved the movies! Okay, there are several plot holes and they're not on the leve of Casablana, Lord of the Rings, or Ben-Hur--but they're great action flicks in the spirit of Indiana Jones. Once I read that on one review I realized that they did remind me of the IJ series quite a bit. If you haven't seen them then you should go out and rent them (or head to the library) soon--they're well worth the time.

Unfortunately I've not yet seen Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I don't think I'm going to wait for Chris to finish the book so I can go with him. I just need to pick a date and plan to go see it. And then of course I'll have Episode III to watch--I know I can't watch it the day it comes out, but as soon after that as I can I'll be going! :-)

The rest of my life has been pretty good. I've found some new webcomics to read and been pouring through more print books as well. My sister just got back from visiting my folks in California so I've enjoyed the strawberries that she brought back. I really missed the California strawberry season this year!!! :'( :'( But at least I've gotten to enjoy these few berries--so it isn't a total loss! :-)

Hmm...what else can I write about? Oh, I'm wearing something else... ;-) My father sent me one of the yellow "Livestrong" armbands to wear, apparently both he and my mom are wearing them. Seeing as how I never really thought about cancer before both of them were hit I think that it is a good thing. I've already noticed a few people (one at the library, and one at the museum today) . And speaking of the library I need to run in right now to pick up two videos that have come in. :-)



  1. Sorry, Matt... I probably won't finish it until after school gets out. In fact, I don't know when I'm coming home from Colorado, but I might have it finished by then!


  2. I'm sure I'm not going to wait that long! ;-) But that is okay.

    Oh, and I didn't mean that in eight days I would abandon my blog (as one reader wondered elsewhere). I meant that if I had waited eight more days my blog would have been dormant for an entire month.

  3. Matt! Glad you're back... i missed you!

    ~ Julie
