Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Kings Island

Yesterday my nephew Ryan and I used our season passes to take a trip to Paramount's Kings Island. It was the first time that I'd been there, and I enjoyed most of the day. As a kid I was never one for roller coasters, but I tried several for the first time yesterday. I even went on the one that drops you down from several stories up. To my surprise I enjoyed them all.

Unfortunately though some part of the day didn't agree with me. I'm hoping that part of it was the fact that I have a cold--but I think some of it had to do with balance. As I've gotten older I can't handle being dizzy like I could as a kid. I just went on one too many rides yesterday and was feeling nausous. I did throw up once, but after laying on some benches for a while (while Ryan went off to do some other rides) I was feeling much better and ready to drive home. Next time I'm planning to take some Advil and Dramamine (sp?) before I go to head off any similar problems. I'll post some more pictures later today.


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