Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Thursday Threes

Image hosted by Photobucket.comYes, I like to be different, why do you ask? :-) Blame this one on Mark too, though I followed the original link back to The Back Porch to see the Thursday Threesome in its first home.

Onesome: I could really-- get into what or who musically this week? Have you run across anything or anyone new to share with the gang?

Oh, right now I'm listening to the tracks from the Rebecca St. James CD that I just bought off Amazon. I've enjoyed her music ever since I borrowed Pray (the one I have now) and God (which should be coming soon) from a friend last year.

Twosome: Use-- Hey, what do you use for most of your cooking? The microwave? ...or the toaster oven? Regular oven? Weber grill? (...and Mark, opening the bag of chips doesn't count!)

Oh, cool, Mark gets a mention for lack of cooking--am I surprised? Hmm...I don't do that much cooking on my own, it not being a necessity while living with family. :-D But I use the oven most often when cooking--either that or the stove.

Threesome: A shower-- ...and the softball of the week: shower or bath? What's your preference. Okay, pool or hot tub (if you had one or both )?

Oh, this one is really tough. I really enjoy a good bath but have yet to find a big enough tub that also keeps the water hot for as long as I want to lay there. I love to lay back and relax with a good book. :-) Unfortunately I usually just have time for a shower. Now I think that I'd rather have a pool since I especially enjoy swimming while hot tubs are just glorified bath tubs.


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