Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hanging' Out on the Back Porch

Come on over to the porch.

::"If You Have To Go Away"::
Onesome - If You - If you were given a million dollars, what would you do with it? Well I have thought about this one. The first thing I would do is to pay off my student loans. Second buy a house. Third set aside a "safe investment" where I would keep most of the money. After that? I'm not sure--probably part of it would go towards the construction of a floor-to-ceiling library in my house. :-)

Twosome - Have To - What is it that you have to do today? Or is there something you're dreading to do this week? Well I really have to do laundry, I've been putting it off for a bit and I really shouldn't let it go past today.

Threesome - Go Away - Where's that place you've been imagining to take a dream trip to lately? Oh, this one is very easy! Twin Peaks Bible Camp. I went there every summer with my parents when I was growing up--they cooked and I was a staff brat or a camper, :-). I really grew up there over the summers and except for last summer when I had a chance to fly out I've not been there since 1999. I am really, really missing it right now (third week of four ends Saturday). However, even if I could get people to cover for me at work (and if I'd planned ahead of time I'm sure I could have, I didn't have the means to get out there. :( Of course I probably should have thought about this earlier as I'm hoping to have a full time job well before next summer so this would have been a great time to go if I could have just saved the money and gotten a cheap fare. *sigh*


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