Friday, August 05, 2005


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"I've got you...
::...under my skin"::

Onesome: Under-- Water? Have you ever gone scuba diving? Any interest?...or does that sort of thing just not work for you? No, I never have been scuba diving, though I used to have a snorkel and goggles and really enjoyed swimming around pools with them. Especially if I could get a pair of goggles that were my prescription I'd definately love to go scuba diving, especially where you could see many fish and other things underwater (which I guess is mainly the point, ;-)).

Twosome: my-- gosh, it seems to have been hot since forever! How are you doing with the weather this Summer? Bleh...this is my first summer living in the East and I'm not enjoying the humidity so much. At least in California at times there were cool breezes off of the ocean, and it cooled down more at night. *shrugs* But I can't complain about there being more rain, I really like that! :-)

Threesome: skin-- Do you 'skin' your site? What styles do you prefer when you have the option at someone's place? Simple? ...or loaded with graphics? Hmm...I actually don't change things up too much. On WinAmp I just use the normal modern skin and I don't change sites around too much. On my forums I'm thinking of changing up the design, but I have to work with some others to get a custom logo designed first. Who knows how long that will take...

Well let me see...what has been happening? Not much really. My sister has been suffering from a couple headaches the last few days (migraines), so I'm trying to help out more than normal. But it has been really good having them all back (well okay, the kids still bug me like crazy at times, but I like not having to fix dinner!). And I'm still enjoying taking my time in the mornings somewhat as I have my alarm set at eight, doze or snooze until eight thirty, and then read my daily dose of e-mailed comics and web comics. Then I take my shower, fix my lunch, and have some time to blog or check the news on-line before I get dressed and leave! :-)

Oh yeah, I'm listening to John Grisham's The Last Juror on unabridged audiobook in my van on my way to and from work. I've listened to part of it before (on a trip from Arizona to California)--but didn't get to hear it all. I really enjoy the reader, he fits the profile of the narrator so well. I'll definately be giving this one a good rating at Amazon when I'm done.

Oh yeah, in that vein I finished watching Crusade last night--'twas a bittersweet moment. That series was fun and had so much potential!! *sigh* I really wish that it could have kept going as it would have been over by now. But of course I couldn't have afforde to buy five seasons. *shrugs* Perhaps like Firefly (with Serenity being released at the end of next month) it will get a new lease on life in the future, hopefully with a book or two--something like that, :-), though it won't be quite the same as having all those great actors. Oh well, now I just have to listen to the commentary so that I can polish my review and post it. :-)

It is almost time for me to leave so I suppose I should get my "uniform" on and leave for work.



  1. With each passing month, my hope of getting any resolution to Crusade lessens. :(

    You were able to get a set with JMS's commentary or did they have another commentary, too? Since Warner editted his commentary where he talked about what went wrong at TNT, it's been taken out of subsequent releases of the series completely.

  2. Well the set I have shows that he has commentary on Racing the Night (his first episode). That is all. Commentary by Peterr Woodward (Galen), Carrie Dobro (Durina), Director Janet Greek, and writer Fiona Avery on The Path of Sorrows.
