Wednesday, August 31, 2005

LOST Words

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Yeah, I saw this in the grocery store, and with that little CD there (including two deleted scenes found "nowhere else"--so I assume they're not on the DVD set) I couldn't resist. :-) I don't usually buy TV Guides (especially since I don't own a TV and live in a house with a newspaper TV guide available weekly, for free) this time I was suckered in by the checkout aisle display. I'm definately looking forward to the premier of the new season. :-)

  1. Girlfriends:: boyfriends
  2. Here to stay:: Social Security
  3. Call me:: have your people (call my people)
  4. Frustrated:: beyond belief (I'm not sure where this came from, but it makes sense, right? :-))
  5. Public school:: private schools
  6. Glitch:: monkey wrench
  7. Cheese:: Bleu
  8. Director:: of Special Projects
  9. Pivotal:: event (i.e. the Battle of Saratoga)
  10. Exclusive:: coverage

Let me see, what else is going on. Oh yeah, things have been pretty dead around the exhibit lately. Last Wednesday - 65 people (we formerly had at least 100 something every day), Thursday - 39, Monday - 47, Tuesday - 58, Today - 48. It is pretty boring at times, but I do have my books for when no customers are around, ;-). I've started the first book of The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever and I'm in the first paperback volume of To Green Angel Tower, so my chapter of one book then the other reading plan is still going strong.

Tonight at the library I checked out another audio book, but found a CD missing when I went to put it into my CD changer. Thankfully I'd not left the library so I just took it inside and they didn't blame me for the loss. :-) *sigh* But I'm now without an audio book yet again--this one was a condensation of the Lewis and Clark journals and I was looking forward to it. There aren't many CD audio books on the shelf, and I don't know any titles to search on-line--I'd rather just persuse shelves. So I'm a bit stuck right now until I think of something.

I can't think of anything else, so I'm signing off for now, ;-).



  1. It was actually unfair. Those of us who subscribe didn't get that CD. And I didn't even get it until Tuesday this week, when I normally get it the week before. Not fair at all!

  2. *plays violin for Mark* ;-)

    I'm sure they didn't want CDs damaged in the mail. It was in your best interest! :-D

  3. AOL never worries about damaging their CDs in the mail... ;-)

    And to answer your question from Ridureyu's blog, yes, I enjoy Babylon 5. More than Star Trek in most cases (though some of Star Trek is also excellent)

  4. Ah, I figured you must be a fan to catch the Green, Purple joke. :-)

    True about AOL, it was nice in the good old days when they sent floppy discs--you could reformat them and reuse them! :-)

  5. lol... Green is actually my generic response, but "purple" has joined it. Ironically, these were both independent of the B5 episode.

  6. Well that is funny, but it works out. :-)

  7. Actually, I sent for a CD that will enhance the math curriculum we use and they sent it in an extremely-shocking-slick-surfaced-slightly-heavier-than-cardstock-standard-8 1/2-by-11-folded-over-once-and-held-shut-with-a-couple-of-seals-equipped-with-some-sheet-protector-kind-of-envelope-to-put-the-CD-inside thingy. It arrived in fine shape and works fine, which is good, because it is a $50 CD, but I would think they could come up with a better mailer.

    That said, I think TV guide should have mailed out the CD's. Maybe with a couple of extra seals.
