Thursday, August 25, 2005

Relax on the Back Porch

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Come on over with your answers.

::Drop Gas Prices! Please Read::
Onesome - Drop - Have you ever dropped something that you can't believe you did? Was it a priceless item or that big secret? I've dropped a few things, and afterwords there are those moments of "oh crap" and "grrrrr" where I really, really, really wish I could take it back. Nothing too terribly expensive though--but perhaps some semi-valuable things as a kid--I don't remember, ;-).

Twosome - Gas Prices - How much is a gallon of gas going for where you are? Well if I remember correctly the latest price I saw was $2.619, but that was one of the local stations that is a bit more than other ones, so I'm not completely sure. I'm not driving so much any more...;-) Besides the fact that I haven't finished everything I have checked out from the library I've been renewing things I'm done with so I can put off going back, ;-). I just don't want to waste the gas right now. I even walked with my sister to take the kids to school this morning instead of me driving them in as has been done before. It isn't that far, and is so much cheaper in nice weather. Of course my sister can't run with her foot (see yesterday's post) so that was somewhat amusing, :-P.

Threesome - Please Read - What's that latest item you're reading? Is it for pleasure or are you required to resd [sic] it? I am currently reading two books, and most definately they're not required, :-). I'm not missing that part of school at all!! I am reading The Power that Preserves the third book in Stephen R. Donaldson's first Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever and at the same time I'm reading Stone of Farewell by Tad Williams (definately now one of my favourite fantasy authors, he is good and likes avoiding many cliches!!), the second of his Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy (4 books in paperback--the last two being the third hardcover split in twain--each of these two paperbacks is slightly over 800 pages! :-)). I read a chapter of one and then a chapter of the other. When I've gotten to the end of one of the books in either series I've cheated and read several chapters from that book to finish up--but other than that I've been good just reading one chapter in each at a time.



  1. When I was in college I had a swan figurine. I don't know where I got it, but when I dropped it, it made the coolest crash sound that I have ever heard. It's amazing that I have never purchased more pieces of that type of glass just to break them and hear the sound again. I am not a violent person, this particular tone was just extremely pleasing to the ear. It was a tinkling sort of sound, and very soothing. Something Fibonacci was probably involved. I guess the fact that I haven't made this a hobby is a good sign, it was just a memorable event.

    Also -- speaking of memorable events -- why do things like chalkboards being scratched, styrofoam being squeaked, metal being scraped on concrete, etc. bother us so? My worst experience was when a fork in my silverware drawer somehow got caught between the lip of the cupboard and the cupboard when I was closing the drawer. It stuck fast and created the most intense sensation of that kind I had ever experienced. To this day I am very careful about how the forks are placed in the tray to avoid that ever happening again. It was at least 10 years ago, and even now it bothers me. Uggh.

  2. Hmmm...memo to self, never send you glass figurines... ;-)

    Yeah, it is strange how those things stick with us--there are things I do so carefully because of what has happened in the past...
