Monday, August 15, 2005

Words of a Feather

Type together? Nah, that doesn't quite work, but Word Association still does!

  1. Idiot:: salt (I used to think iodized salt read idiotized salt when I was a kid)
  2. Rocket:: Saturn V (the largest rocket ever flown, the one that launched the Apollo missions to the moon, and Skylab into orbit)
  3. Liability:: asset
  4. Harmless:: Mostly (the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy entry for Humans)
  5. Stringy:: cheese
  6. Theater:: theatre (okay yes, I enjoy throwing British spelling into my typing, 'tis fun to spice things up so!)
  7. Gwyneth:: Paltrow (an actress's name, right?)
  8. Use it or lose it:: skill (I couldn't really come up with anything here so this was what sort of desperately came to mind)
  9. Sonic:: the hedgehog
  10. Pucker:: up

That was fun, eh? Well now for some personal news. I just found out that the database on my book collection program can be exported to either a Palm or Pocket PC! This is great! As soon as I get all my books in the database and I have a Palm I'll do this! It will be great to go to a book sale and not have to wonder what books I have. Because of the extra data that I can include with each entry I'll even be able to determine if the copy I'm looking at in the store/at the sale is nicer than the one I have (perhaps a good hardcover versus a ratty paperback). :-) I'm quite excited about this.

On a further literary note I have acquired some new shelving material. Of course I don't have anywhere to put them (the boards are going into my storage unit now) for use, but that will come eventually. My sister had a craft display set-up that my dad made for her nearly fifteen years ago. She was going to give it to me, but we realized that it was too big and wouldn't really work for a bookcase (it looked somewhat like stairs rather than a ladder-type bookcase) so I'm just keeping the shelves.

Tomorrow I don't go into work as I traded the day with Kristen at work (for her shift on Saturday) so that she can go to a family get-together at Big Bone Lick State Park. I will be going in for a bit of scheduling, but that is usually less than two hours. Then that night we'll be having tacos for dinner! I promised my sister Laurie that I would cook the taco shells (so she'd be persuaded to make the meal--she says she usually does taco salad since it is easier to prepare). This will be great fun!

Oh, and on a third literary note I've been exploring my book database program (see above) even more and have found further features. There is place where you can indicate cover artists, illustrators, characters, and more! I'm finding new stuff each day. I'm not sure if I'll ever be completely done entering my books--but I'm definately looking forward to the day that I have an authoritative database of my entire library!



  1. Looks like three matches. More then I was expecting.

  2. Yeah, I was going to post that on your blog but your comments thing wouldn't load for me when I checked your blog right after posting this. *shrugs* You saw it here anyway, ;).

  3. I like number eight. It reminds me of Napolean Dynamite. : )
    Do you have all of your books with you there, or did you leave some out west?
    This comment section needs italics, bold and underline.
    But that's just me.

  4. You can use bold by using HTML tags...i.e. a b within (b) then (/b), (where you type b in triangle brackets--the ones you get by typing shift for . or ,) or i for italics.

    I have all of my non children's books with me (either here at my sister's house or in storage). A few boxes of kids books are my parent's house--they're going to bring them out the next time they visit.

  5. I love it that you collect children's books too. Are some of them from when you were growing up? I have always enjoyed them and loved exploring the library with my kids when they were young. There are some really excellent ones to be found.

    Thanks for the HTML lesson. I will be trying them out.

  6. Actually all of them are from when I was growing up. Many of them were library discards and I figure that some of them won't be reprinted--so I want to save them for my kids someday. Books like The Great Brain series, The Hardy Boys, We Were There history series, and many others. Heck, I still like reading a fun golden book even now--though it only takes one or two minutes some of them are fun--especially when I remember them from when I was a kid.

    No problem with the HTML, I'm just glad to help. :-)

  7. We have saved all of our home school textbooks that we were pleased with, as well as many children's books (with Kate's guidance) that can be used for grandkids (if fibonaci and Kate ever get around to that : ) if they want to home school. The stories will be for grandma (me) to read to them when they come to my home. We loved the Francis books (a badger). One of my favorite little kid books is Chica Chica Boom Boom, it is delightful. I love a well illustrated picture book like Jan Brett's work.
    bold italics I got it!

  8. Speaking of Jan Brett, I just bought one of her books at the last library sale I went to. See here.
