Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Okay, I'll grant that it isn't the most original title, but there wasn't much competition. Here it is just a normal hectic day with last minute chores. Later today my brother Larry and his family will be arriving from Tennessee. It should be a good time with them here--but it will be a very full house! Fortunately (I can use the money) and unfortunately (I'll miss some of the time with everybody) I'll be working Friday through Sunday--but they should only be partial days and I'll be home before dinner time. My brother and his family are actually going down to the museum on Saturday--hopefully I'll see them while I'm working up in the Rotunda.

I'll also be working at UPS, but that will just be on weekdays. For the duration of December (unless I secure a full-time position elsewhere) I'll be working as a Driver Helper at UPS every weekday and I'll be at the museum every weekend and some nights. It will be crazy, but I can use the work right now so it all works out! Oh, and if you're in the area I should let you know that from tomorrow (the museum is closed today) until New Years parking at the museum center is free.

I have to go do, um, some stuff that I don't know yet but I'm sure that my wonderful eldest sister has volunteered me for! ;-) Please have a wonderful day and remember everything that you have to be thankful for!

Finally a thought from the Federalist, they do choose good quotes:
"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of
Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits,
and humbly to implore his protection and favors."

-- George Washington (Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789)


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