Sunday, November 20, 2005


I haven't done the words in a while so I think I'll do 'em now, ;-). As always find 'em here if you wish.

  1. Heads up:: Seven-Up (Did you ever play this game on a rainy day in elementary school? I think that I did almost every day we had to stay in for recess--and even a time or two in high school for fun. The second one on the page I linked to is the one I played.)
  2. Kicker :: football
  3. Aggressive:: fierce (for some reason nothing was coming, so this is a last ditch attempt to associate some word with aggressive)
  4. Getting ugly:: mutt (two of my sisters call each other mugly utt as a joke)
  5. To be continued:: frustrating (I know it is the purpose, but it is always at a crucial point when you want to see just a bit more!)
  6. Twist:: shout
  7. Form:: true to
  8. On the road:: travel
  9. Import:: tariff (Ah, those were the days, studying early American history and all the political debates over tariffs--like the Nullification Crisis and John C. Calhoun, the man my profs called the only truly original American political thinker)
  10. Flowers:: Amsterdam (my brother-in-law brought back lillies from Amsterdam for my sister, it was about ten days ago and they're still nice)
Well last night Julie flew into Cincinnati and Chris was visiting the University of Louisville so I drove to the airport to pick her up. Just like when Mark flew through Cincinnati over the summer instructions were confusing and I thought she would be waiting up at Departures where we usually pick people up--however, she was down below at Arrivals. Thankfully this time both people concerned had cell phones so I was able to call her and keep talking while I circled around so that it didn't take forever.

Once we came back to the house the little kids immediately mobbed Julie, swarming all over her. It is always interesting to me to watch this happen as they latch on to the newcomer to the house (but Julie is great with kids anyway) and the girls were excited to see another female I think, ;-).

Unfortunately I'm having to listen to the football game tonight, because nearby TVs are broadcasting and I can't get away right now. I don't hate sports, I just don't really care about watching or playing...*shrugs* But it was fun to see a commercial for King Kong. I've never seen the original, but after seeing Peter Jackson's work on LotR (besides the few creative differences I have with him, ;-)) I really want to see this one.

Well I need to go finish making cornmeal rolls sometime soon and I need to get back to my book. I've read it before, but the author is very good. Edward L. Beach's Run Silent Run Deep.


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