Friday, January 20, 2006

Easy Come, Easy Go

Well most of yesterday's snow (well by now I must clarify that as Wednesday's snow) is gone. This was actually a fun snowstorm because the roads weren't ever troubled and it was quite nice to look at a blanket of fluffy white stuff over everything. *shrugs* But it wasn't very durable, and the temperatures were warm today--in the fifities. I didn't even wear a jacket when I went to work.

Yeah, I had an event to work for the third night in a row. Technically only one was mine--I supervised Tuesday night. But due to a shortage of staff available to work we supervisors had to fill in. I'm not going to complain about the extra money of course, but it was ackward the last couple nights as I forgot about the events until my cell phone alarm went off. Last night (Thursday evening) I was much better. Laurie was cooking chicken in some strange tomato sauce in the crock pot--but it was fully cooked. Since everybody wouldn't be eating until I left--and they did sit down and pray just before I left--I had to eat early.

So dinner was a piece of chicken (it was white meat--for some unfathomable reason my sister prefers white meat *shudder*) with three slices of homemade bread. It wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't terrible either. And honestly I'm trying not to eat as much. If I let myself I'll eat until I'm full, and when I get two or three good homecooked meals a day that isn't a good thing with the amount of exercise I do (or rather don't) get. Therefore since I'm not in the mood to exercise more just right now, or have easy means, I'm trying to make sure I don't eat too much.

Oh, a bit of good news from just a few minutes ago. The nephew that I share a room with woke up and tossed me something. It was a deck of cards that I'd let him borrow nearly a year ago--but he'd taken it to his grandma's house (my brother-in-law's mom) and lost it. Normally that wouldn't be that bad as I'd ask that he buy a new deck or just forget about it--but these were one of my card decks from my last trip to Vegas, from the Sahara. They're not exactly easy to replace from Kentucky! I'd given up on them as lost and was periodically bugging my nephew to remind him taht he owed me a deck of casino cards--I really never thought that I'd actually see my cards again. I'm definately glad that I was wrong! He told me that his grandma found them in a drawer.

Well I'm off to sleep now, better late than never, eh? And tomorrow I'm off to a library sale in Cincinnati--and job hunting. I need to e-mail the library about another position and e-mail a resume to a co-worker at the museum who will turn it in at her other job.

~Matt Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Once was lost but now am found...hmm that just popped into mind. Its always fun to earn a little bit more money. I prefer white meat too (sorry)
