Friday, January 27, 2006


Well I know that I just said that I hate job searching--I still so, somewhat. ;-) I've had two promising interviews now, and hopefully they'll both lead a bit further so I can make a decision. Though honestly I'd rather not make a decision, I'd rather pick and choose, take features from one job and combine them with the other, ;-).

The first interview was on Wednesday with a copier company (they don't make copiers, just distribute and service them). The position is data entry in the warehouse behind their offices where they keep many parts on-site so they can conduct repairs as soon as possible. The pay is definately good, nearly what I would need to live on my own--I wish I knew somebody I could room with (somebody in Kentucky that is, ;-)) and it includes benefits. I'm waiting for the warehouse manager to get back to me so I can go in for a real interview--on Wednesday I just spoke to the hiring director briefly. The place is a bit far (about twenty miles north, but that means it is out of downtoan).

The second interview was today--it was for a local financial services firm. The position is in the mail room of one of their subordinate companies. The pay would probably be less than the other job, but I might like it more--and the benefits are great. The core company is an insurance firm, so health insurance and such are in-house and heavily subsidized by the firm. They also have private parking garages with rates better than normal public garages (which you have to use, it being downtown and all parking is paid in structures or metered) as well as an in house cafeteria with breakfast and lunch free for associates. There is also a fitness center free for associates before and after work hours. I'm scheduled to go in and speak with a man from the other company Monday morning, today I spoke with a woman from HR for the main company.

At this point I'm going to go forward with both opportunities if I can--I hope the copier place contacts me soon (or I guess I can call them by Monday). Then hopefully I'll be able to decide between the two, but if one offers to hire me and the other doesn't I'll definately take the job. So I'm just hoping that at least one offers. :-)

~Matt Posted by Picasa


  1. My roommate is probably going to be needing a new roommate soon. But he's in Idaho.

  2. Yeah, that is the problem. Of course you could try to find a job in Kentucky! ;-)

  3. I'm always looking for roommates, in CA.

    You're also having more luck with the job hunting thing then I am. So totally not fair.

  4. All three of you commenters are looking for jobs! I have lots of jobs to do, and you are all welcome to do almost any of them. (Some I would not let you take over for me.) I am afraid there is no monetary pay or actual health benefits; however, work has its own benefits : )

  5. Oh, I don't know about that, Aunt Bee. Physical labor (done properly) has all sorts of health benefits! ;-)

  6. See, I knew that was a possible response, Qalmlea, and I considered saying no insurance benefits instead of heath benefits, but nooooo, I leave myself open. : )
