Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Not Quite Snow Day

Well it wasn't quite a snow day today, but then it rarely is at the school my nerfs attend (the school is K-12 and everybody lives locally so it takes quite a bit of snow for them to cancel). When I left the museum last night around 23:00 the security guard told me to be careful because of the snow when I turned in my keys. I thanked him but figured that it was just a few flurries. Instead when I got out to my car I discovered that the winshield was covered with snow (not as bad as this picture here though). I was surprised because it had been raining all day and I didn't figure that snow would stick.

I planned to wake up early today as my sister made donughts yesterday and they were to be for breakfast today--but I was up a bit late and so I turned off my alarm when it woke me up at seven. It was later (I don't remember exactly when) and I was deeply sleeping, and dreaming when the phone woke me up--I'm not sure where my sister was, but she wasn't around. It was a rather rude awakening, but I was definately awake after I ran down the stairs to answer the phone! ;-)

Today I looked at the Cincinnati Library's website and found another opening at another branch within fiften miles. :-) I have a few days so I'll print out another application and turn it in.

Well that is all for now, but I still need to figure out how to post multiple pictures with Picasa--if it can be done. I'm definately happy with the new interface that allows me to type up text with the picture and type in the title--it is quite a nice mesh, easy to post. Oh yeah, and another plus is that now I can put the pictures in with the text--I wasn't able to do that just linking them in. :-)

~Matt Posted by Picasa

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