Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow is Beautiful

Well perhaps not when it is sticking to the roads and making driving insane, but otherwise it is definately a beautiful sight. Right now I'm sitting at the library and watching as snow comes down in the courtyard outside. There is just something beautiful about this white stuff falling.

It isn't anything like hard rain pounding down or an assault of hail. At times the flakes seem to be driven downwards by the wind. Othertimes they drift gently with the breeze, falling gently to their rest amid the ground's white blanket. (Yes, I deliberately deleted the space between other and times, it just seemed to work)

Really it is amazing how much snow can change a landscape, even more than fallen leaves. Snow comes down and blankets everything. It muffles colours and rounds sharp edges. It looks so soft and so wintery. It just seems right to see the snow fall down.

The picture above is from the driver's seat of my van facing the rear before I left for the library today. That is my brother-in-law's truck behind, the one Chris usually drives.

~Matt Posted by Picasa

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