Saturday, April 29, 2006


I just finished watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It was quite enjoyable. Definately hilarious in many parts. Dual lives, hidden weapons, cover identities--all great fun to see exposed. There was one great scene when Angelina Jolie's character (Jane Smith) wanted her people to find Brad Pitt's character and they said, "how?" His name is John Smith--not easy to track down...;-)

Once you accept the premise that the characters are assassins you can accept the movie's bodycount--heck, you don't really see much blood, so it is almost like an episode of the A-Team. The dialogue was enjoyable after they discover who they are, some of which was seen in the trailer. There were though a couple scenes in the trailer not to appear in the film, but nothing major. The DVD I obtained from the library (my sister picked it up for me today as I was working until the library was closed--and the same tomorrow) along with several others.

I currently have Open Range checked out (seen it before, but not for a while), Mission Impossible (the original Tom Cruise movie), part of season four of Deep Space Nine, and upon the recommendation of Miah The Mothman Prophecies. I've not heard much about the last, but it looks interesting and it is the only one I have now that I've not seen before. I think I'll watch it tomorrow. I would like to watch another tonight, and perhaps if I had The Matrix already I would. But I really need to get to sleep soon as I go to work in the morning.

Yes, I know it is Sunday. When I was first interviewed I said I didn't want to work Sunday mornings on a regular basis. I don't think it is bad to miss church once in a while for work, if necessary (my brother-in-law does it flying)--I just don't want it to be frequent. Therefore every other time I've worked on Sunday it has been the late shift. I will miss church, but on the other hand (smaller) I'll enjoy not being at work until ten or eleven on Sunday.

I'm continuing on with my books and am almost to the point where I'll read one chapter of each in sequence instead of several of the Weber book as I try to get ahead. However, I try to remind myself not to hurry too much. These books are good and I don't really want to rush them too much. :-)



  1. I was rather disappointed with Mr. & Mrs. It had some funny dialogue, but was horribly unrealistic. Maybe I'm just too critical.

  2. I'd agree. It was unrealistic, yet the humour, pacing, and acting kept it real and interesting for me. *shrugs* I enjoyed this and couldn't abide the minor inaccuracies in the second Zorro movie. 'Tis strange how little things change or don't change cinematic opinions.

  3. I liked the Smiths. But I think I am more easily entertained than Kate. I believe it is because I am of the first generation of Star Wars fans. I was weaned on the special effects of Creature from the Black Lagoon, Star Trek, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Lost in Space, My Favorite Martian, Mr. Ed, and Superman (the black and white version).

    If you saw Kingdom of Heaven, did you notice that, Nasir, Saladin's right hand man was Dr. Julian Bashir from Deep Space Nine?

  4. I did. I always enjoy seeing Star Trek actors in other productions. That is one reason, despite the political implications, that I want to see Syriana--since Alexander Siddig (Bashir) played a role.
