Sunday, April 23, 2006

Does this make sense?

You are going to the grocery store to buy groceries. When you get to the produce department you see the following two signs in the citrus area. Which product do you pick if you must choose?

Large navel oranges, 5 for $2.00

Small navel oranges, 6 for $3.00

For the math challenged I'll provide the easy comparison. For $6.00 you get 15 large navel oranges. For $6.00 you get 12 small navel oranges.

I suppose there could be reasons for this price difference--but since this a store where everything is geared towards making money that doesn't seem to make sense to me. Since navel oranges are the best eating oranges (their peels remove easily) it wouldn't make sense to waste money buying them to juice. Besides, this is Kentucky where all of the oranges are shipped in from far out of state--you'd have to be nuts to buy oranges for juicing purposes anyway. Well more than just one for a recipe here or there that is. As a consumer I couldn't imagine buying the smaller oranges for more money. Why on earth would anyone do it?


PS Yes, I saw these signs in the produce department at my bigg's tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the prices were backwards. You should have asked the department manager. Or perhaps the quality of the smaller oranges was amazingly higher...
