Thursday, April 27, 2006


Yes, this post is a tad late, acually coming on Thursday morning instead of Wednesday evening--but I have a good reason for that! First though I must say that indeed the sales position was filled at the museum, but I've agreed to send my application over to apply for an opening in the kiosk (those who sell tickets and check tickets at museum entrances--as well as work the parking booths).

I left bigg's at 16:30 today (er...yesterday!) to ensure that I would arrive at the museum on-time, which I did, a bit early in fact. The event went well, except that we had to direct a few more people than normal around. The problem came after. As the supervisor I have to stay until all the food, tables, and chairs are cleared away--only then can I finish shutting down the museum. Tonight the group renting out the museum stayed in the rotunda for dessert and a presentation--so the catering staff were all up there.

Though the event ended in the museum between 19:00 and 19:15 it wasn't until 21:30 that I was able to start the last shut-down procedures! In the mean time I simply read, and then I called my parents down in Florida. I talked to the wife of one of my cousins, the cousin about the be married, and my Favourite Floridian Aunt (she is the one who works with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the Orland area). After some other work I finally got home right around eleven. *sigh* I didn't eat dinner until thirty or forty minutes ago as I spent quite a while talking to my sister about various things. Therefore I wasn't able to make it in here to post--especially since I had to go back downstairs to turn the network back on before I could write this.


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