Friday, April 21, 2006


I'm not sure how many of you use PhotoBucket, but unless I directly upload pictures to Blogger I always host my image files in my PhotoBucket account. I noticed that one site was having problems with their link so I logged into my account to see if mine had any problems. I was quite surprised to see the new layout.

I remember back when PhotoBucket was quite new. I didn't get in at the very start, but close to it. I've seen album sizes increase several times, the first time just as I was getting close to 100%. I've never even come close to using 100% of my bandwitdh however. It is a great service. You don't want to link to others photos directly as that steals bandwidth, and so does uploading things directly to your own website. That is where PhotoBuket is great because for free (unless you want an ad-free larger account) you get to host pictures and directly link to them (which many free webservices such as Angelfire will not allow).

Well it is almost as good as Gmail now, ;-). PhotoBucket now lets you upload video as well as images. Each free account gets one gig of storage and 10 gigs of monthly bandwidth! 'Tis great. Just as I don't worry about deleting e-mails (save spam) with Gmail, I no longer have to worry about too many pictures on-line! :-)


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