Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Rain, i.e. liquid wet stuff from the sky

Yeah, that stuff. I used to love it, well I still do enjoy a really good rainstorm, just so long as I'm not working on that same day. Working outside as I do now I'm really not attracted to pulling carts through pouring rain or having to deal with drenched carts. Last night involved some rain, but thankfully much of the time I had to be outside it was barely coming down, if at all.

The picture at left is from 2004, during my last couple months at TMC. The view is towards the cafeteria and computer sciences building along the front of the library. I was standing in between Vider and Rutherford (but almost to Rutherford) when I took the picture. 'Twas a wonderful rainy day--or it had been.

I don't know if I've mentioned it, but I'm off on a bit of a movie kick. I have seven DVDs out from the library, and I've been enjoying them. :-) Last night I watched Shanghai Noon and this morning it was Shanghai Knights. Both were quite fun, and as I approached them first as comedy and then as historical fiction I enjoyed them much more than Zorro. Perhaps I just expected too much of Zorro, whereas these were entertainment from the start that happened to be interesting. You have to love the name of Jackie Chan's character Chon Wang (say it out loud) and all of the characters they run into are great.

For some reason I've never seen the movie Jaws, so that was also one of the movies that I checked out from the library. Of course I've heard about the movie for years--but I've never before taken the opportunity to lay hands upon a copy.

Now of course I'm still reading--currently I'm in the middle of Crouching Buzzard (well nearer to the end actually). But since after that I only have Owls I don't want to rush things too much.

I have some leads from Mark about other good mysteries though, and plenty of other books that can keep me occupied, so I'm not really that bad off...;-)

Still all this talk of rain (well and retyping my title) reminds me of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide. You've heard of this dangerous substance, right? I think I might have blogged about this before--but if so it was probably back in '04 so here we go (perhaps again), but going nonetheless. Go to DHMO.org! Trust me, you can't afford not to protect yourself against this dangerous chemical! You'll definately thank me later for warning you about this grave danger.

Thank you and please resume your regularly scheduled lives and wait for my next update with baited breath.



  1. I'm getting sick and tired of rain around here, too. It's time for spring weather, which means more cloudless days then cloudy days.

  2. I'm sure you're enjoying your rain more than you would the stuff out here. Over the last few weeks usually when it rains the temperature plummets--when I've been outside at those times bringing carts it has taken me fifteen minutes to warm up my hands--they were quite numb from the cold!

    But yes, I'm definately ready for spring!

  3. Nice picture. You're making me miss TMC.

  4. Thanks. And if that is what it takes I'll search for some more! :-)

  5. Actually, it's been in the 50's here with the rain. Not quite as cold as you, but not near our normal weather.

  6. And you're a cold-blooded Californian. :-)

  7. Um, Matt, you don't live anywhere near TMC now. So if I visited there again it wouldn't involve seeing you.

  8. I know. You never typed anything about visiting--merely missing. I meant to imply that if pictures made you miss the campus I should post more.

  9. I know. You never typed anything about visiting--merely missing. I meant to imply that if pictures made you miss the campus I should post more.
