Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Good Day (no spoilers)

Overall today wasn't bad at all. Sure I was at work for eight hours, but I pretty much got done what needed to get done and I got some good exercise in. I wish there was a way to compare what my arm and/or other muscle strength is now compared to three months ago before I started this job. I know that I've definately lost weight. Though college I weighed about 180-190 lbs. Now I'm about 160, and I know it didn't happen before this job. Pants that fit me perhaps a bit snugly a while ago, but still well enough are now quite loose. At one time I was wearing 36, now I think 32s are in order--because most of my pants that are now loose are 34. I'm not obesessing over the weight or anything, but 'tis nice to know that I'm healthier now. That is the one good aspect of this job--exercise that I normally wouldn't go out and seek on my own.

Well I came home to find that my book had arrived. Which book? I'm glad you asked. Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management. I must apologize though, the Amazon page doesn't have much really. I would link to the order page on the main Schlock site, but alas orders aren't being accepted yet. I preordered my book and as a result it was signed! :-) But you can't make regular orders yet--I'm not sure when, but it might not be until all of the preorders have been shipped, including the sketch editions. I headed down to the library after work and read the book. Sure I'd read them before, but it was still great! There was some new content, plus it was printed on glossy pages in beautiful crystal clear colour. Ahhh... 'Tis a sight to behold. I'll definately be ordering the next book when it comes out.

My only complaint is that the book starts in 2003, while the strip started in 2000. The artist (Howard Taylor) believes that before that date his art was truly horrible. I'll definately admit that it isn't nearly as good as it is now--he has greatly improved over the years. However, the storylines were still awesome, regardless of artistic quality. You can't beat the opening strip for impact! Click on that one link if not any others, please? Well at the point at which the book starts (if I recall correctly) Howard basically reset the strip in some ways. He didn't restart the storyline, but he included many recaps and other devices to make the previous sections superficially unnecessary. *shrugs* I'm just a story nut. I want to someday have all of Schlock printed and bound for my reading pleasure. Hopefully eventually Howard will agree. :)

Then tonight after I came back from the library I watched the two hour season finale of Lost. Yet again I was amazed. I was left with many moments of "ohhh!" and "wow!" I did recognize a couple of the actors from prior appearances, but one actress I think I must have seen in another show because she doesn't show up online as having guest starred on Lost before. But great acting from all concerned.

There were also many, many questions. I am continually amazed at how the producers steer this show onward (as of the finale it has been about 65 days since the plane crash in the pilot episode) and it changes, yet it remains intriguing. I'll definately admit that they could have kept to the somewhat simple survivors of a plane crash motif of season one and it could have become stale. Or they could have gone too crazy and totally changed the show. It has definately changed, never stagnated, and yet remained fascinating and utterly addicting! I can't wait for season three, but I must. I definately won't preorder the season this time as I'll just have to wait for it to arrive. I'll just save my money and go buy it once it comes out. Perhaps with a coupon at Borders...*shrugs* We'll see.


PS Well great news on the Schlock front. I might have missed something, but this book won't be the first forever! Here is the post if you're interested.
Q: Will you ever put the first 1000 strips in print?
A: Absolutely. Pending the success of Schlock Mercenary: The Blackness Between (the book we plan to ship in November 2006), I’ll start work on Schlock Mercenary: Step Away From The Tub of Happiness sometime in January of 2007. That volume and its companion (currently untitled) will be much larger than the current books. Hopefully by November of 2007 we’ll have all 1000 early strips packed into two books. I don’t know what the price will be yet, and I’m not going to pre-announce anything else about this project until I’ve got a solid handle on SM:TBB.


  1. Regular orders start June 1st -- I just read the post in question. Also, I'd like to point out that Blank Label Comics, the webcomics group of which Howard Taylor is a part, had it's 1st birthday on May 23rd, the day I had my 26th.

  2. Oh... not only is there a 23, there's exactly 25 years between you! It must be a conspiracy! ;^D
