Saturday, May 27, 2006

Lost (spoilers) Quarters

Well yesterday at work I couldn't stop thinking about the finale of Lost. Just as it did last season I was engrossed the entire way through, though several times I looked down at my watch because we had seen so much I figured that it must be the end--but it never was. Yes there are many jarring parts about the show, especially how many main characters have died or disappeared. However, I believe that this truly is one of the strengths of the show. Besides the biggest of the main characters the show isn't completely dependent on the cast (and now with the big three of Kate, Jack, and Sawyer captured who knows what is next?). Characters aren't killed off or written out because they want to leave but because the producers believe that is the direction the story needs to go.

Authors can and sometimes do do this--perhaps not as often as would be refreshing (for they maintain popular characters)--kill of actors to satisfy the plot over love for characters; but most television shows are built around the main characters. We don't have much suspense because the main characters always live--unless they don't, and we know becuase the actor/actress usually blabs beforehand, or some media outlet reports the news. Before you can say "Jack-be-nimble" the news is all over and you can't avoid it even if you try your darndest. On Lost though, four main characters have been killed, two are missing (dead?), and two have left the island.

Besides all of the convoluted connections between each of the characters (and I only keep them straight by referring to Wikipedia pages after the shows air) this show reminds me of life. The characters are real, and the writers feel free to poke fun at themselves or address seemingly obvious dilemas that fans have questioned. Oh, and as much as I love Star Trek I'm quite glad there aren't any redshirts around! ;-)

Well that was all of the good news, now for the quite bad. Some *insert rude unprintable descriptive language here* person at the corporate offices have declared in their infinite wisdom that the quarter devices need to be removed from all carts at bigg's. We have no idea why this idea is being implemented. Yes, I will miss my quarter money dearly (though I won't miss seeing the old guy who comes in to loot the carts each day), but there is more to this than that.

Once before this store removed the quarter locks because customers were complaining about frozen locks in the dead of winter. Pretty soon they were complaining even louder that the locks were gone--so they came back and have been on the carts since. The customers (except for a couple grumpy out-of-staters who are too impatient) like the system. It does serve to keep the lot remarkably clear of carts (even when we can't get out right away to pull carts in) and makes our job easier as people return their carts to the cart corrals. Furthermore removing this system will make it much more difficult to bring carts in. No longer will we be able to pull in rows by hand--without them being hooked together this will be sadly impossible. We will have to use the mechanical cart caddy or work in pairs.

I am a supervisor at the museum, and I am a grunt at bigg's. I know how both ends of the spectrum work. I've seen stupid bosses and stupid employees--and dealt with both. However, I would really like to kick that *more unprintable descriptive language here* out of his corporate office and bring him down to my store. I'd then shove him out into the lot for a few days, then take off all of the quarter locks and see how he reacts--I think he might change his tone quite quickly.

Needless to stay I'm not going to be too happy at bigg's in the future. I've even less reason to stick around than I did in the past. I need to get even more serious about searching for a better job than I have been. Additionally I'm going to hold on to my May quarters for now until I figure out what I'm going to do. I might save them for going camping later this summer, or I might just spend them after all.


PS I fell asleep when I was almost done with this. It should have been posted within a few mintues of the Lewis and Clark post, but ended up waiting until I woke back up a couple minutes ago and finished the typing.

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