Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Mothman Prophecies

I'm not sure where I stand with the "horror" genre of movies. I enjoy M. Night Shaymalan's movies as well as Hitchcock's Psycho and The Birds. I also enjoyed watching The Mothman Prophecies this evening. On the other hand such movies as the Texas Chainsaw Massacres don't look interesting at all. I watched The Ring and The Grudge, but those were a bit too intense for me, with no real hope.

I'm usually on the edge of my seat, and have to force myself not to pause the movie if I'm watching it via DVD. I enjoy the suspense, the director's attempts to scare you. But I don't want to be "gored" to death with blood and guts or watch something where an unstoppable force of evil murders everyone. If you know from the first few minutes that a character can walk out a door without being jumped by an axe murderer then I'd say the movie has hope. If you're in suspense, but your imagination doesn't adapt the plot into fourteen new ways to die before the next morning, it has hope. I enjoy a movie with suspense, but hope.

The Mothman Prophecies was recommended by Miah in a conversation where we discussed the different horror/suspense movies we'd seen. He thought that I'd enjoy it--so I checked the movie out from the library and tonight I finally watched it. He was right. It was suspenseful and I actually did have to pause it to go watch CSI, but it was good. I enjoyed the ride through the story, even with all of the unanswered questions left...


PS CSI was good--again different from normal, but definately quite enjoyable.

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