Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pirates of the Spanish Main

Um, yeah...I'm hooked. The only problem is getting my nephews reliably hooked as well so I have some competition. The game is a tabletop miniatures game, but the miniatures in question are tiny pirate ships that you punch out of cards. Thes ships can be disassembled and put back into the cards for easy storage. It may not sound like much fun from that description, but I've enjoyed it so far.

You can see the official site for the game at this link. Check it out! The ships actually look quite cool when they're put together. I even had an error in one of the packs I bought, so I looked through the site to see what I had to do. I was informed that I needed to mail in the parts in question and I would recieve a replacement pack. When I want to write down the address I saw with surprise that it was in Cincinnati! I'm hoping that I won't have much of a delay in getting my new parts as even the USPS can't screw up the delivery that much. *crosses fingers and fervently hopes Murphy stays away*

Well today I slept in. Then this morning I finished compiling files for the Superheroes story. I've put all the current stories (not all of which are on the blog yet) into a Word document. I even printed them out. At 103 pages it took a while! Back when my friend Miah started this project I never imagined that we would still be going this much later and with this much text. By the way, in that total realize that each episode starts on a separate page (I'm currently writing number sixty), but that the font size is 10 point!

I so much enjoy writing these stories because you get to play around with characters that you and others have created. It is great to see how other people treat situations. Sometimes you might not like it at first, but several ideas I'd have never thought of have really grown on me. Well I really need to get back to the writing of that episode. I meant to go to the library for a while to work on it today, but I was stuck watching nerfs most of the day and couldn't get away. Oh well...I'll live. It looks though as my next day off won't be until next Thursday. *sigh* I'll have to suffer through seven straight days of labor. At least I'll have different schedules on some days so it won't all be the same.



  1. Two thoughts: 1.) the game looks fun, and 2.) on Wednesday night I was going into a nursing home and passed by a couple of those Sorry-game-piece looking ash trays by the front doors. I apologize, that must have been a horrible job. Apparently someone needs to do that job there, because they weren't opened up and they were horrible. Please forgive.

  2. It is. The best part is that you technically only need one game pack to play. You can also comfortably play with one game pack per person--so it is easy (and not too expensive) to test and see if you like it. I just need to restrain myself from buying more packs than I can afford.

    No problem. I would never have believed how bad it could be if I hadn't emptied them myself.
