Monday, May 29, 2006

Short Work

Just before dinner I recieved a call from work. Apparently one of my co-workers never showed up for his shift. I'm off today, but they wanted to know if I would come in for two hours tonight. I thought about it for a moment, and realizing that I wasn't doing anything much (and I'll be working 9-5 the rest of the week) I said yes. As a bonus, because they don't want to pay overtime, they'll let me go two hours early on Thursday.

Today we all (including my parents who are visiting) went down to Lexington to watch my nephew Ryan play his last soccer game of the season. It was quite hot (up to 90 F) and muggy, but an interesting time nonetheless. On the way back we stopped at bigg's and purchased more corn. Last night I bought ten ears for $1.00, and the prices were still good today so my sister, mom, and I all went in. We cooked up some today and will probably have the rest tomorrow night. They aren't the biggest ears, but for the price I can't complain--plus they did taste good!

Right now I'm waiting for my clothes to come out of the dryer. I was planning to wash them tonight, tossing them in the dryer before I headed to bed if necessary--but that wouldn't work going in. All of my work clothes were dirty. So I threw in a load as soon as I said I'd come in, and I think I'll have just enough time for them to dry before I need to put them on.



  1. Matt,

    If you came out here to beautiful Idaho you wouldn't have to pay us for corn. You could eat as much as you want along with the raspberries.


  2. Stop, that is cruel to type something like that! ;-)

    In all honesty Idaho is probably the second place I want to seriously travel to. First I want to hit camp, but after that the Spud State sounds good. :-)

  3. Of course, Fibonacci is not in Idaho anymore...but then, he didn't have any corn and raspberries to offer.
    : )

  4. 'Tis true. The Cheryl above is my sister in Idaho. I call her "Farmer Girl" (Like Farmer Boy of the Little House series) Her house is practically a farm where she grows and raises just about everything they eat.
