Saturday, May 20, 2006

Take the Red Pill

Have you ever felt as though you want to wake up from a dream, but you're actually awake? Life at times has felt like that for me. I was reminded of that a bit tonight. Recently I had a hankering to watch The Matrix, but both of the library copies were due a couple months ago and haven't yet been returned--so I eventually gave up hope there. I went to Amazon and purchased a used DVD for only a couple dollars (but of course I had to pay shipping). Still, it was a better price than it would have been most places. I watched it tonight, though since the big screen was being used I had to settle for my laptop screen with headphones. Somehow I managed.

Did I mention yesterday's book sale? It was great fun. While I only spent $11.00, I found some great books--besides just the kids books. Though I did enjoy finding good kids books, and I almost hated to give them to my nerfs. I think that at the next sale I'll be looking for really good books for myself that I can keep to start my own kids library--since I think my parents will keep my youngest kids books for when grandkids visit.

One is an early twentieth century (mid forties) copy of Two Years Before the Mast which I've never read--but I know it is somewhat of a classic. I do this sometimes, buy books I might not read for a while--but ones that I might read eventually. Another is a view of Japan written in 1938. This will be especially valuable as a primary source (or very close secondary source) someday if I can ever get back into the history profession or history classes as a student.

Additionally I can't go wrong getting old books for such cheap prices. :-) Now I'm up to over 430 books in my database. I need to update my library site soon.

For some time I've been avoiding Star Trek novels. If I ever go back to common-universe novels I'll get caught up with Star Wars first. It isn't that the ST series don't have good authors, but they're so constrained because there has to be a reset button at the end of each book--or the textual equivalent. Once I started reading real sci-fi I became bored with these books. I did buy one yesterday [Thursday] though, it is an Enterprise novel. I want to make sure when I line up all my Star Trek novels on a bookshelf someday that I have at least one Enterprise book up there, even if the series was cut tragically short.

Well now that I'm not writing on such a tight timeframe I think it is definately time that I get back trying to update a minimum of once a day. I'm going to try to be better to make each entry distinct and interesting. I think that if I have multiple entries per day I'll space them out (as I've done) and try to make one or two exclusively about things I've been thinking about (such as politics or literature) and not about life. I'll see how this goes--perhaps it is all a late night pipe dream stimulated by too little sleep, ;-). Speaking of that I should post this so that I at least have the opportunity to hit the sack.


PS Aunt Bee, I've been told the above still is from your favourite scene.

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