Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Yesterday I worked the latest shift (15:00-23:00) and today I work a morning shift (though thankfully not the earliest one) from ten to six. This morning I had my alarm set early, for seven--but I didn't get up then, I just hit the snooze a few times. After I started hitting the snooze I started remembering my dream.

Somehow I was back at Master's--but the campus was different. There were more paths and students than I remember, plus I think there was a lake somewhere. Even stranger there were shopping carts scattered around the campus, including some very strange ones. I was still collecting carts, but I was also back to be a student (though I don't remember for what exact purpose). I was talking to someone and I mentioned that I knew I could get a job in the cafeteria because I had worked there before--but I didn't know what else I would do for work.

About this time I started to finally wake up and knowing that I didn't have too much time I couldn't go back to sleep to dream more.


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