Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Good morning

Back to work today, though a slightly later shift starting at 10:00 instead of 09:00. *shrugs* I should still be home in time for dinner, and parents are gettting back from their short visit to friends up north in Ohio. It should be a good day. I am feeling even better than yesterday, though perhaps not yet one hundered percent.

Ah, fiddlesticks. My nephew Ryan just came up to remind me that the city is street sweeping today. They've had signs up, but no times!! If I'd left for work at my normal time I'd have been fine. *sigh* Chris and my sister were already moving vehicles so they moved mine while I rushed down to take my shower so I can leave for work.


1 comment:

  1. I haven't been online much recently and didn't realize you have been sick. Glad you are on the mend.
