Friday, June 23, 2006

The Princess Bride

In the midst of several errands today I stopped by our local Wal-Mart. While browsing through the electronics section I came across a "Dread Pirate" edition of The Princess Bride. I was somewhat curious--so I took it over to a price checking device. There I discovered that it cost nearly twenty dollars (actually around $19.97 I believe). I did want the movie, but I wasn't quite ready to pay that much. I thought about it for a bit, though, until I saw another edition. I price-checked this one and was quite excited to discover that it was only $7.50. I decided that I could definately not pass up this opportunity. Therefore I purchased the movie, and tonight I watched it with three of my nephews.

I didn't watch the movie until I was in college (my parents didn't watch many movies while I was growing up), but I don't see why others should suffer as I did! ;-) Once my friends found out that I hadn't seen the movie many of them quoted the best lines until I felt that half the movie had been quoted to me before I ever saw it. Of course, once I saw the movie for the first time I understood what all of the fuss was about. The story is both a timeless fairy tale, and a humorous take off on fairy tales. The casting is truly superb, and I couldn't imagine the characters any differently. Now the only thing I need to do is to find the book and read it. I don't think that I will be disappointed because the author wrote the screenplay and from all reports quite enjoyed the movie.



  1. I love that movie to bits! All the characters are fun, but Indigo Montoya is my absolute favorite!

    ~ Julie

  2. You killed my father, prepare to die!

    I'd forgotten how often that line was repeated--but it was great to see (hear) it again.

  3. Do you remember that Fibonacci and friends did a short play for a Shakespeare class, at TMC, that blended the Princess Bride with Hamlet? I only heard stories about how it went (total hearsay - so it may all be lies) but (according to rumors) they meshed beautifully, and it was a big hit.

  4. P.S. I may have to take a trek to Walmart myself...

  5. Don't read the book. This is one case where the movie is infinitely better. I've read the book twice and the only decent part that got left out of the movie was the prince's proposal to Buttercup.
