Saturday, July 22, 2006


I shall try to make this short, because I dearly want to get back to the book in question. If you are addicted to reading (as I am) then you simply MUST read this wonderful volume. You will come to understand much more about yourself, and why you cannot resist buying books (*cough**cough*) or reading them. You will find links to, Barnes and Noble's site, and Powell's on the linked library entry! But, just so you can be sure that you can't miss it, here are some choice quotes from Chapter Eleven: Reading (which I am currently reading, ;-)).

Biblioholics must read wherever and whenever possible, and even when it doesn't seem possible. Why else do we drag a book along us wherever we go? [*raises hand* "Guilty."] There is absolutely no time or place unsuitable for cracking a volume and indulging our passion. In trains, planes, buses, cars, and all other transport; at meals, in bed, on the john, at work, in dentists' offices, in supermarket checkout lines--wherever--we hold true to our biblioholic alling: we read. If our car breaks down on the freeway, we merely reach across the seat and pull out a volume. When our barber finally tires of occupational small talk, we flip open the magazine on our laps. After we get comfy on the chair lift, we reach into our parka and pull out a book.
The rest of this chapter consists of "a guidebook to reading in a biblioholic's favorite haunts." Yes, there is much humour in this volume, but also much truth!
I started the book quite a while ago, but I keep forgetting about it. 'Tis sad, but also fun as I have come back to it several times with great enjoyment. If you are a reader then you truly owe it to yourself to find this book! It was a gift, but if I'd known what it was I should have bought it for myself years ago.


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