Friday, July 07, 2006


Well the movie opened today, and I've been waiting quite a while. I think that I'm going to take Don Quixote and head down to the nearest theatre. There are show times at 21:05, 22:00, and 22:45. I don't think that all will be sold out--if they are then I'll just head home all the wiser, but if not then I'll just get the soonest show and relax with my book until the movie starts. :-) This movie and Lady in the Water were my two big must see movies of the summer. LitW doesn't hit until the end of the month, so I'm anxious to see Pirates.

But, on the other hand I get off work earlier tomorrow and thus could get down to the theatre earlier. Ahh...I hate indecision. Why can't I make up my mind? Hopefully I will soon... ;-)


PS Howard Taylor of Schlock Mercenary also has a great review up, so I'm looking forward to the movie even more.

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