Monday, July 03, 2006


I went swimming with the kids in the neighbor's pool again today. I think that I inhaled or absorbed too much clorine--my sinuses are bothering me. Tomorrow should be a very busy day, so I'm hoping I'll be better then, but I'm sure that I will be. A good night's rest should do me well.

Tomorrow will be my first day of work since last Thursday. For some unknown reason I was assigned four days off in a row--with no advance notice that I would have more than two (Friday and Saturday). I'm not complaining because it has allowed me plenty of time to watch the kids while my sister and brother-in-law are out of town, and my brother-in-law's mom (Marie) is busy with other family commitments (illnesses, hospitalizations, and such). I don't go in tomorrow until 14:15, so I should have enough time to watch the Fourth of July parade--if I get stuff done early before I have to go--for some reason I didn't go down last year to watch it. The Budweiser Clydesdales will reportedly be in the parade this year!

Tomorrow night my sister should hopefully be flying home from California with my two neices. I'm hoping that she doesn't miss her flight! :-) I don't mind watching the kids when it is necessary, but it will be nice not to have to. And I definately wouldn't have picked to have four days off in a row (it will be hard to adjust to work again) without going somewhere (say to my brother's to camp) it was perfect timing to help out in the middle of family crisees (what is the plural of crisis?). God certainly knows what He is doing--far better than do any of us!


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