Thursday, August 17, 2006


I just recieved a package from UPS yesterday (Wednesday) containing a book! 'Tis No Nest for the Wicket by Donna Andrews. I can't be sure, but Mark hasn't reviewed it yet, so I'm wondering if I'm reading it before him. Could such a thing be possible? I don't know, but even if it isn't I'm still enjoying the book, as I have all of her previous offerings. I have even got my sister hooked on the series. She is currently in the middle of Wrought Iron Flamingos.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I have the book, but I am reading Evanly Bodies right now and was in the middle of the Lost tie-in of sorts Bad Twin when it came.

    Translation. Yes, you are reading it before me. But I intend to have it read and reviewed by the end of the month.

    And you can always tell what I'm currently reading by the top book on my sidebar. :)
