Monday, August 28, 2006

Good day to be off work

I woke up earlier this morning, then decided to doze off again. When I woke up a couple hours later I discovered that my alarm clock was flickering. The power had been out at one point for about an hour! It was long enough that my sister conducting homeschool with candles and my laptop battery drained and shut off my computer.

On the positive side it is pouring rain (hopefully it will keep up for a while). As soon as I take a shower I'm planning to take a walk wearing my trenchcoat--it has been too long since I've walked in the rain! This might also be a good day to finally replace my boots.

The last pair I bought I've thrown away--they were the most expensive ones at Wal-Mart, but they didn't have leather upppers--they wore out pretty quickly. My current pair are okay except for a crack from side to side through the sole. I hate the fact that the leather on my boots will be fine, but the soles wear out. *sigh* Anyway, needless to say my boots are not currently waterproof. It is high time I find some that are.


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