Thursday, August 31, 2006


Aunt Bee just reminded me that Stephen Lawhead's latest book is coming out next week--I can hardly wait. Perhaps it is good that I'd forgotten about it so I wasn't agonizing over the wait longer than from now until next week. :-)

I've always enjoyed Lawhead's books (though I don't think I've finished the Celtic Rose trilogy for some odd reason). I've read all of his others, and the Pendragon Cycle are my favourite version of Arthurian legend that I've ever read.

Lawhead can't go wrong writing about the Celts or Celtic Britain (i.e. Wales when in later years), so this looks like a very interesting reimagining (or going back to the roots?) of Robin Hood. I can hardly wait...oh, did I already say that? :-) It does bear repeating.



  1. Have your read Patrick then? I really enjoyed that tale.
    His writing gets better and better.

    I ordered my Hood from CBD, and when they first sent notice they said it would be shipped on 8/8 so I was wondering where it was. Finally I called yesterday and they gave me the new date. I can be patient. There is always plenty to read and plenty to do.

    I also am reading the latest Brock and Bodie Thoene books and their newest will be out in the next couple of weeks too.

  2. Yeah, I read Patrick, but I didn't enjoy it as much as his earlier works. I can't remember exactly why right now, but it seemed to be a bit darker. Normally I don't mind that, but something didn't seem quite right. I think that the Song of Albion series are my favourite. Ah, even just typing the name brings back so many memories. I want to go read them right this minute! ;-)

    I just ordered Hood last night from Amazon, ;-). I have free two day shipping until I cancel my Amazon Prime trial (before the 19th)--but with the weekend and holiday I don't expect it before Tuesday or Wednesday.

    I haven't read any Thoene in a while. I have a couple of the AD Chronicles--are they still writing those?
