Sunday, August 06, 2006


Do any of you Californians remember the California Raisins? If I recall correctly they were big in the late eighties and early nineties--when I was a kid. I don't ever remember having anything related to them, but I remember them.

The big guy on the right (actually smaller than the other guys), the one that looks like he is playing the guitar in a bright spotlight, yeah him. (I know that wasn't a complete sentence) He was my first acquisition of my recent collection. I found him at a nearby park--or rather one of the kids did, and they gave him to me after I revealed that he was a California raisin. I still consider myself a Californian before a Kentuckian.

The other guys came today. My brother-in-law's mom (Marie--yes she lives across the street, somewhat like Everybody Loves Raymond--and sometimes life around here feels like a sitcom--where everybody laughs at but not with you) has had a garage sale the past couple days--along with my sister. Apparently my nephew Chase found these raisins in her stuff and persuaded them to donate them to my cause. I'm quite grateful to him for these efforts. I'll have so much fun with them now, though I'll leave my first raisin next to my computer where he has guarded my mouse cord for many weeks now.

Besides sitting out at the family garage sale today I travelled to two other sales. The first was much larger--the local Catholic Children's home (on Orphanage road) is having their annual Flea Market this weekend. I picked up a few books (including a boxed set of the then "complete" four book Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy), a couple fun historical drinking glasse, a Duck Tales video, and a Jaci Velasquez CD (blame Joel for the CD--I first heard of her from him). I also bought a stuffed Pooh Bear (in either a rat or mouse costume) for my nephew Chase, who has about a dozen Poohs--including one small one I gave him years ago when clearing out some of my stuffed animals.

Later in the day Chase and I walked (between .5 and 1 miles) to a local garage sale. The only thing I bought there was a DVD (widescreen) of Star Wars Episode I. My brother gave me a VHS version a couple years ago, but I couldn't pass up a DVD for $1.00! It looks scratchless even, though I haven't tried to watch it yet. I'm listening to the music CD right now and all is good so far.

Oh, but how could I forget Chris? When I came home from work he was in the computer room, so I dropped in for a moment to say hi. He showed me several pictueres that he had taken today, and then showed me one of a church. He proceeded to tell me that the church had had a book sale, and showed me some pictures of the tables full of books. I was immediately jealous and said (jokingly) "I hate you." I tried to persuade him for a few mintues that he should have told me about it or called me, but eventually I just came up to my room to change and relax.

I didn't notice anything unusual until Chris came into the room. Then I noticed a stack of books next to my bed that hadn't been there when I left for work. I've had stacks of book there so often that it simply didn't register on my conscious mind.

No science-fiction--but nobody else knows exactly what I like or what I already own. The stack includes a lovely selection of old books, including an 1891 government textbook! One is a 1956 edition of The American Pageant textbook (I think I used a newer version in high school). Needless to say I quickly apologize to Chris for "hating him," ;-). He is quite forgiven for visiting a book sale without me!


PS Here is one of the historic glasses, distributed by the Gulf Oil Company


  1. I like that cabinet/desk thingy they were selling, but it wouldn't fit in the room I would like a desk for, so nevermind. That was really nice of Chris. It is good you told him you were sorry. Tell him we miss him at his blog.

  2. You forgot to mention that Star Trek magazine I got for you.

    Oh, and I'm thinking about possibly starting a new blog up once I get to college (one more week).

