Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Yes, the Norse myth of the end of the world--or at least the battle where all of the gods die. My sci-fi universe is set in the future (quite common actually, ;-)) though I haven't yet nailed down when everything is set. At one point I toyed with the idea of time travel, a mysterious society, and a future destruction of civilization (which might be undone by said timetravelers). I abandoned the idea years ago, but while researching for another project I recently discovered the writing I did on the subject.

I've been thinking about starting a webcomic, partially set in my sci-fi universe. Here is a sample for a prologue to the comic. If this project gets off the ground it will be quite a while from now, knowing how long it takes me to plan things. But I think this might be possible. I'm not an artist, but I think I can make the plots work, and I can make a drawing style similar (but obviously not as good) to that seen in The Order of the Stick (or Miah's Stickromancer for those who read the forums) work with my limited talent.

I think this might be a fun way to explore concepts that I wouldn't otherwise explore in my writing at this stage--some of those ideas that appear too scientifically unfeasable (i.e. time travel) or too fanboyish (from my creation of the universe in high school where it was heavily based on Star Trek and Star Wars technology). Perhaps it wouldn't ultimately be canon, but it would plunge the depths of my writings.

Anyway, 'tis just something I'm working on. Tonight as I watched Eureka I started listing the causes of the destruction of Sol's planets. No, not complete physical destruction (for all), but decimation of the population. When I say Ragnarök I mean that the vast majority of human civilization throughout the stars will be wiped out. A bleak future. What would you do if you knew something like that was coming and it was impossible to stop? That, I think, is the key to an interesting narrator for this project. :-)



  1. So, did you do the trees? They certainly have a nice effect.

    Also, I didn't comment at the time, but good historical sleuthing!

  2. Yeah, I did the trees. Thanks. Some inanimate things like that I'd like to think I do decently--moving them all together will be the chore. :-)

    Thanks. I'm just surprised the syndicate editor didn't catch it.
