Friday, August 25, 2006

Same song, second verse

I must tell you that I wish this day had never come. I thought that I just had a cold, but then two days ago I noticed that my throat was still bothering me. My nose has started to run and I've begun to cough--usually signs that the sore throat phase of the cold is over. Unfortunately I'm repeating something from almost two years ago. Here is a refresher from this very blog:

Springdale, Arkansas 01.06.2005 22:00-22:30

My throat was quite sore today, making it difficult to swallow. As a result I didn't drive, fearing I would be too uncomfortable and distracted.

Nolensville, Tennessee 01.07.2005 22:37-22:45?

We left the house at seven something this morning and by the time we left Wal-Mart with my generic Day-Quill in hand it was 07:30, our designated start time....A combination of Day-Quill and Advil reduced the pain to a point where I could swallow and concentrate easier. I took my turn driving twice, the second for an hour or sow leaving Memphis (in heavy rain).

We had a good meal of chili and cornbread, though because of my throat I couldn't finish a full bowl [:(]....Hopefully I can get to sleep before the Ny-Quill I took at 19:10 wears off :).

Today wasn't fun at work--but thankfully I was outside. Without medicinal help it is much preferable to spit out excess saliva rather than swallowing it. Swallowing anything requires conscious effort.

This evening I was desparate, so I took two Advil. To my amazement the pain is gone. I'll be sure to stay dosed up tomorrow! The only problem (one I can definately live with) is what feels like a bit of phelgm at the back of my throat that no amount of clearing my throat can dislodge completely.


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