Monday, August 14, 2006

Still pulling

...carts in by hand. The cart caddy was taken away today to be repaired, and then we had the option to borrow a cart caddy from another bigg's store that apparently has three! But what did our store manager say? Oh yes, it would be too much trouble, so we wouldn't bother! !#@^$#$^#$^ !#^!#^!#^$ Thank goodness for "comic strip cussing," otherwise I'd be tempted to lose my family friendly rating. I was very upset this morning. I don't like the store manager's way of doing some things (it seems quite nuts), but this is absolutely stupid. The entire motor is out on the cart caddy and we have no idea when they will fix it. It could be a couple days, or a week--but apparently the guy who NEVER STEPS OUT IN THE LOT except to find stuff for us to do decided that we don't need the help we say we want. Isn't it nice we have people who know what is best for us better than we do?



  1. What are you quoting under your title?

  2. Hamlet's To be or not to be soliloquy. "But that the dread of something after death,/The undiscover'd country from whose bourn(e)"

    It is about two thirds of the way through. At one point I had a good chunk of the soliloquy memorized, and I hope to have it all memorized some day.

  3. It's job experiences of that sort that make you appreciate Dilbert.

  4. Man, that's horrid. I can certainly understand your frustration with this issue.
