Friday, August 04, 2006


Yes, they got their point across. X-Men III: The Last Stand, was definately the final movie of a trilogy. Fun movie, really. If you haven't seen the movie yet, and plan to (spoiler free) then don't read the rest of this too carefully.

There were quite a few main characters who died in the film--that is the big names that even I (who has never read an X-Men comic book) know (Cyclops, Jean Grey, Xavier) On the way home (I didn't drive so I didn't get to stay for the credits, :() I commented that the movie had an unusually high rate of attrition. Two of the car occupants stared at me--my non-reading nephew Ryan said "you can't use big words around me." I then had to explain the word (it is much easier to use words in the proper context than it is to define them).

A few minutes later Ryan (who was driving--he isn't that bad, but still learning) had to forcefully apply the brakes as he came up to a yellow light. As we came to a stop and our bodies reacted by moving forward for a bit and then coming to rest against the seats I remarked sarcastically "don't you love intertia?" It was a normal comment for me--I'm sure those of you who knew me at TMC heard me make many similar comments over the years. However, my brother-in-law's mom turned to me and said "I know what that means!" I think she thought I was just "using a big word" because she didn't know what attrition had meant earlier. *sigh* My vocabulary isn't that unusual is it?


1 comment:

  1. I don't think "attrition" and "inertia" are unusual words. They might not appear in an intersection of the vocabulary sets for all adult Americans, but then again, what would?
