Monday, September 18, 2006

The Art of the Con

Nicholas Cage reminds me of my brother Larry. I'm not certain exactly why, looks or mannerisms. It isn't an eerily similar resemblance or anything of that nature. I just can’t help but think of Larry when I see Cage. Anyway, all that is largely irrelevant to what follows, except to say that I usually enjoy Cage’s movies. Tonight was no exception.

I’m not sure where the name cropped up, but I just checked Matchstick Men out from the library. I was on the way to the library to pick it up when I got the call from work today. Therefore I had to postpone watching it until this evening after work, but the wait was worth it. The movie centers around con man (excuse me, con artist) Roy Waller (Cage) his partner Frank and long-lost daughter. Roy reminds me in some ways of Monk, they're both a bit "nuts," with phobias and tics. But they both have to function--though in quite different worlds.

The actors definitely worked well together and were great to watch. I’m not exactly sure how to characterize the genre, but it was fun. Yes, the main characters are criminals, but their story is great. The plot is definately enjoyable, but I would watch it for the characters--to see Roy interact with his daughter and achieve some semblance of normalcy is worthwile. Go see it. I won’t say any more.


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