Saturday, September 16, 2006


Yeah, I was gone for a bit, but again, I had a pretty good reason. I've been job searching, and I finally have something. I don't know all of the details as the position is through a temp agency, but it looks quite good. I should start by the 25th of this month and everything that I've heard sounds good. I'll definately post more details when they become available.

In the meantime I leave you with some choice Engrish. I ran the following sentence through Babelfish several times. Here are all of the English results. I translated from English to Japanese, then Japanese to English and then repeated this several times.

Paris is the most beautiful city in all of Europe, though Berlin is often accounted a more impressive sight at first glance.

Paris however Berlin is explained more impressive vision of the beginning glance frequently, is the city where European everything is most beautiful.

But the Paris Berlin rather than glance of beginning being explained, impressive range of vision, the city where the European person who is most beautiful entirely is frequent.

But at the point where the most beautiful European person is frequent completely the margin which is rubbed, the beginning city, the impressive range of range of vision it is explained from the Paris Berlin glance.

But the most beautiful European person begins with the point which is complete marginal profit frequently rubs, and impressive range that of the range of the city and range of vision is explained from the Paris Berlin glance.

But the most beautiful European person friction of the profit of the complete most bottom limit is frequent, and the impressive range where the range of the city and the range of range of vision are explained from the Paris Berlin glance from the point which is begun.

But friction of the European person where the profit of perfection is most beautiful is the impressive range which from the Paris Berlin from the point where the range of of limited frequency of most lowest, the range of the city and the range of range of vision starts is explained glance.


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