Saturday, September 16, 2006

I love irony

Here is a short snippet from an article about how Muslims are reacting to the pope's recent remarks:
In a phone call to The Associated Press, a group calling itself the ``Lions of Monotheism'' claimed responsibility for those attacks [on Palestinian churches], saying they were carried out to protest the pope's remarks in a speech this week in Germany linking Islam and violence.
I couldn't write it any better than this. Truth just tops fiction all the time...*sigh* Way to go people, proving such statements wrong...

I'm not Catholic, and see many things wrong with the church as it puts its own works equal to or above Scripture--but it is closer to the truth than Islam. Why should Muslims care what the head of the Catholic Church (which should proclaim that Muslims are unbelievers destined for hell unless they repent and accept Christ) says about them? This controversy is as manufactured and ludicrious as the rioting that followed the anti-Mohammed cartoons.

You know, speaking of cartoons, I don't recall any Jewish riots, bombings, or screams of outrage following the Iranian Holocaust-denial cartoon contest. Hmmm...


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